Monday, September 05, 2005

Details from Tylertown Mississippi

A number have inquired about the status of believers in the assembly inTylertown, Miss. There has been limited contact over the past few days andwe would like to give you some general information. None of the believers sustained any injury. Loss to property has been sustained by some and the ability to have public services has been greatly reduced. Brother Keith Young had a very large tree fall on his house. At this point it has been removed and the need now is to secure the house until repairs can be accomplished. To give you an idea of the size of the tree, it cost $6,000.00 to remove it. Insurance will assist with this. There is no phone service there and any contact is through E-mail to Keith and his wife are living with a sister in Jackson, Miss. Regular mail can still be directed to Keith at 1200 Estelle Ave Hattiesburg, MS 39402

Bonnie and Ben in Biloxi have sustained roof damage to their home, but are living in it at present. Some of the older Christians homes were sparedand the brethren have supplied them with food and other things they need forthe present. The condition of the Gospel Hall has not been determined as yet. The assembly has set up an account : Tylertown Gospel Hall - Benevolent fund. Funds can be forwarded through the Truth & Tidings Gospel Trust, USA, designated for that purpose.

At this point funds are not the immediate need, long range there may be more need. Carpentry help could be put to use forassistance in restoring the damaged homes and it would be best to be in touch with Keith Young for coordination if any thought they had time togive. It will be important to determine if supplies are available to do any corrective work.

This is given for the purpose of information and is not intended to be a solicitation. Any funds that are received will be maintained separate for use in needy situations among the Christians and in the community for testimony purpose. The interest relative to the assembly and the Christians is appreciated and we can all pray that each will be sustained and experience the good Hand of the Lord in all this situation. He makes no mistakes.

Bill Oliver