Saturday, September 17, 2005

Day 19 Update

Dear Praying friends,

Just a quick update. Please forgive me if I repeat myself ... it's hard to keep track of what I've already told you and what is new.

The Saints at Lake Park Chapel have gotten back home (FINALLY!!! WHEW!!!) and we are SO thankful that they are all safe and well. Ray Cummings has communicated that all the homes are in pretty good shape with utilities functioning. Only one home was flooded and a second had it's roof collapse so Praise the Lord for his watchfulness over these dear Saints and their homes. Their primary problems are down trees which have punctured some roofs and torn the power line from the Cummings home. Ray and a helper were out the other day trying to repair these and get them watertight.

The Spanish meeting is probably in the biggest immediate need as most of them were renting. Consequently, they will need immediate help with clothing, furniture, supplies, food and deposits to get them resettled in new apartments (IF they can find them - they are in VERY high demand)! Ray made a trip up to the camp today to bring a trailer load of supplies and food back for them. Our ladies had just been up there categorizing items to make them easier to find so the Lord had His way in the timing of the "shopping trip"! So to those who have given staples and supplies we are all eternally grateful. Also, we know that the fund at CMML will be of huge help to the Spanish Saints as they begin trying to get resettled.

At Slidell Bible Chapel we continue to work on "gutting" the homes of our Saints ... and some unsaved friends and neighbors as outreach efforts ... tonight a number of them came to a communal supper that some of the aid workers had provided ... a pleasant diversion from MRE's, Ice and Bottled Water! A huge thank you to the wives and ladies behind these men who prepared WAY more than just the workers could eat ... and the overflow was a huge benefit to us ... and a great outreach to these neighbors. We are a small fellowship of about 20 families (53 people) and thus far we have had 3 houses spared any damage except trees down and loss of power etc. In addition, we have had 3 houses totally lost, we have totally stripped 2 other houses from floor to ceiling ... nothing left inside but studs and concrete floors. Then we have partially stripped (from the floor to above the high water mark) 3 houses (including mine) at varying heights up to 4 feet. Virtually all the possessions and furniture has to go in these homes too. The chapel had to be stripped out up to 4 feet along with the carpet. Additionally, one room in the Day Care and one room in the School had to be stripped. Tomorrow, we'll continue to work on these "strip outs" of our own homes as well as an unsaved couple we are working to reach. I and another man will go to another families home to see if we can fix the water well pump and 3 other homes to see about cutting trees off roofs. We think we will have a tree man coming back this weekend with his crane to help remove some HEAVY tree trunks that are cutting neighbors homes in half. Today we got power on to the chapel facility and got the 7 air conditioners operating and the water well pump going ... so we're pretty well up and operating. We still have to get the State to sample the well to make sure it is still ok to drink but I think they will get that done in the next couple of days. We were praying that we could get the electric on before a team comes in Sunday A.M. to bring some temporary housing and to put a new roof on the Chapel. ISN'T GOD GOOD!!! We haven't yet even begun getting to construction ... but we hope that will happen fairly soon!

PLEASE pray for us as we are trying to get the school and day care up by 3-October. Here are the needs -
* We need ALL of our teachers back.
* We need enough students coming back to bring in enough tuition to pay our teachers. MANY people have lost their homes and their jobs and so are just deciding to "chuck it all" and set up new lives somewhere else!.
* IF we don't get enough students we will need the teachers to be willing to work for what income comes in.

Current needs continue to be for manpower and funds.

People who want to COME AND HELP:
My contact information: Cell (all day - IF it is working): (985) 502-8760 ... we have one hard line available the Fisher home (985) 641-9324 (call between about 7-10 P.M. our time - REMEMBER - this is the ONLY hard line we have so PLEASE keep the calls to a minimum ... make them brief and to the point ... don't duplicate calls!)

If you're coming to help ... for the most part we need ADULT MALE WORKERS ONLY PLEASE ... The area and the Work are DANGEROUS and the environment is not good for a young person! It's also too hard to supervise young people and it causes us to have to supervise them, assign them work, supervise them, provide tools and materials for them ... i.e. it's work for us to work them! There also are NO facilities for ladies ... the men are bunking at the camp and it is just not a good place for ladies right now..

On a whole, groups of 2-4 are easier to handle than large groups.

Figure on Being self sufficient when you come.

If people want to DONATE, here are some options:

PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE / GIFTS to JoAnne and me can go to: Bob & JoAnne Brown - c/o Mr. Jonathan Lee - 1290 Park Boulevard - Apt. 118 - Baton Rouge, LA. 70806. He'll get them to us. You can also use Christian Workers Fellowship. My cell # is (985) 502-8760 ,,, though it doesn't always work these days ... TRY NOT to use it very much which will allow me to focus my time on other matters and trying to keep to other, more pressing matters. I TRY to check my e-mail each day ( ... when I can get on. The camp phone ... (601) 958-8447 ... will be a help WHEN it gets back in service. The camp currently has NO PHONE SERVICE ... and NO CELL SERVICE.

GIFTS TO SLIDELL BIBLE CHAPEL / IT'S PEOPLE ... can be sent to the same addresses.


PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE / GIFTS to Ray and Peetsie Cummings may be sent to: Ray & Peetsie Cummings - c/o Mr. William O. Walker - 103 Robert Drive - Lafayette, LA. 70506 - Phone: (337) 232-6577.

GIFTS TO LAKE PARK CHAPEL / IT'S PEOPLE ... OR ... SALA EVANGELICA / IT'S PEOPLE ... can be sent to the same address.


CONTRIBUTIONS FOR DISASTER RELIEF IN THE WHOLE AREA ... correspondence / gifts can go to:

CMML ... indicating for the Hurricane Katrina Fund.

Bill Walker at Southside Bible Chapel in Lafayete, LA. has also set up a "Spanish Assembly Relief Fund" to handle gifts for the Spanish Assembly - they may be sent to him at: William O. Walker - Spanish Assembly Relief Fund - 103 Robert Drive - Lafayette, LA. 70506 - Phone: (337) 232-6577.

IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE ON GETTING INFO ... OR GETTING SUPPLIES TO US ... here are a couple of good contacts:

Scott Leach - 825 Upper Kingston Road - Prattville, AL. 36067 - Phone: (334) 365-3374 ... He can help with up to date information.
James Bonner - 2081 Bonner Town Road - Needham, Al. 36915 - Phone: (251) 843-5734 ... He'll coordinate material getting to us and to the camp.

Here are a couple of worthwhile web sites to help keep you up to date:
* Shawn Abigail has set up the following Blog (He has tried to tell me what a blog is but I still am too technology challenged to get it!) This site posts all of my e-mails so you can kind of keep up with what has happened thus far.
* Scott Leach has set up the following little website to publish information on Katrina's impact on the Assemblies here:
* In addition, you might keep your eye on the voice of WWL AM-870 Radio - the clear channel "voice of New Orleans - often can be heard on am all over the country at night!
* Also, the web site for "The Times Picayune" which is New Orleans' primary news paper.

Well, that's about all the UPDATING I can give you for now.
We continue to see the Lord's WONDER-full hand in every corner of this trial and are thankful that He has allowed us to serve Him in this way at this point of time! We are also thankful that we have Brothers and Sisters like you praying for us!

Our very special love in Christ,
Bob & JoAnne Brown
Slidell, Louisiana


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