Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday Update

Dear Praying Friends,

Just a quick note at the end of a VERY GOOD Lord's Day! We remembered the Lord this morning with volunteer workers from Springfield,MO., Raleigh, NC., Plumsteadville, PA., Montgomery, AL., Birmingham, AL., and Huntsville, AL. as well as Ricardo & Sandra Kawas from Sala Evangelica. We had a great time thinking and speaking of the wonders of our wonderful Savior! After our time with the Lord, we went back to work! The men accomplished a LOT today ... we continued stripping out houses ... nearly finishing up a couple more.

The team from PA arrived after a 24 hour straight through drive. They set up today and will begin probably tomorrow to put a new roof on the Chapel. Please pray that this will go smoothly and safely. They also brought down a couple of trailers that they will leave with us to provide some temporary housing.

The "Hid in Christ" sign I told you about came out in this month's "WORLD MAGAZINE". The web site listed here will give the article w/o the picture. The actual magazine has the picture that I went out toyou: scroll down to"pile of stuff" and you will see the article. There is a picture also in the magazine itself. I highly recommend this magazine!!! We have been getting it at our school for several years now and really like it!

I talked to Ray Cummings from Lake Park Chapel in Belle Chasse,LA. today and he reports that all their people are in their homes except for 2 families ... one flooded out ... one with roof damage. Power and all services are on and they seem to be well on their way to some level of "normality". They could use help with cleaning up limbs and fallen trees ... chain saw crews and picking up and raking. If you'd like to help with these projects, access to the parish is limited but possible. Contact Ray Cummings at (504) 393-7083. Please continue to pray for these Brethren as they try to get resettled in their homes!

I also talked to both Ray Cummings and Ricardo Kawas (elder at Sala Evangelica) and he reports that all of their people are doing well. Two have damaged homes but are waiting to do anything about the damage until they are contacted by their Insurance Adjusters. Please continue to pray for these Brethren as they try to get back to some sort of"normal" living!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we begin another week. We still have a LOT to do just to dry the houses out and get the trees cleared. Projects this week will be continued stripping of homes and we'll also go back to some chain saw work placed on hold when overtaken by the priority of stripping!

Our very special love to you all,
Bob & JoAnne Brown - Slidell, Louisiana


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